All students entering Kindergarten at Hay Public School in 2025 are invited to participate in our ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!' transition program each Wednesday in Terms 3 and 4 to undertake learning and familiarisation activities and to experience aspects of school life. This is an opportunity for them to explore and play in a new learning environment and will assist in helping them feel happy, safe and secure when starting school in 2025.

Details of the transition program are:
Whole day transition sessions each Wednesday beginning in Education Week (Week 3). Each day starts at 9:15 am and finishes at 3:00 pm.
Parents are asked to drop off their child at the Kindergarten room between 9:00 and 9:15 am.
All children need to be picked up by a parent or carer at 3:00 pm.
Bus children – please see the office staff to arrange for forms to be filled in so that your child can catch the school bus to and from school.
Transition sessions run by Mrs Wall with a School Learning Support Officer as the assistant.
Children are asked to wear sensible play clothes, a hat and closed-in footwear. No thongs or school uniform please.
All children will need a water bottle, a piece of fruit (fruit-break is at 10:00 am daily), lunch and afternoon tea.
All items need to be brought to school in a back pack labelled clearly with your child's name.
Please notify the teacher if there are any special dietary requirements, food allergies or special needs.
School times:
- 9:00 - Bus children arrive
- 9:15 - Children arrive and activities begin
- 10:00 - Fruit break – story time
- 10:15 - Activities continue
- 11:15 - LUNCH Eating time
- 11:25 - 1st Play time in K-2 area
- 11:40 - 2nd Play time K-2 area
- 12:00 - Activities continue
- 1:30 - RECESS (Afternoon tea and play time)
- 2:00 - Activities continue
- 3:00 - Home time for Ready, Set, Kinder!
- 3:15 - End of school (K-6) Bus children home
Please phone the front office to reserve a place for your child in this exciting program. Phone: 6993 1270