Hay Public School

"Flourish to the end"

Telephone02 6993 1270


P&C Association

The Hay Public School P&C Association is a school-based organisation consisting of parents, teachers and interested members of the Hay community.

The members of the P&C aim to promote the interest of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation. They assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students. They encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other educational issues and assist teaching staff at public functions associated with the school. They also like to provide opportunities for our students to have fun!

Some of the things that our P&C does to raise funds for resources and equipment and/or provide entertaining activities for our students include: a biennial school fete, school discos, catering – eg breakfast for the Variety Bash etc., raffles and operating a canteen at school sporting carnivals.

The P&C have used precious fundraising to support the purchase of new playground equipment, playground designs, reading resources, computer and IT programs and technology resources such as Ipads, readers and library books, seating for children in the playground, maths resources, shelters at both ends of the school and items for the Kitchen Garden. Volunteering our time at the school in setting up gardens, painting murals, cooking BBQs and generally offering our support in any way has been an important part of our role.

All parents and carers of students at Hay Public School are eligible to be members of the P&C. The meetings are held once a month in the school staffroom. Meetings are a great way to keep informed of activities at the school, to meet other parents, and contribute your ideas, no matter how big or small. The atmosphere is casual and younger children are always welcome. The notice of meetings is advertised in the Hay Happenings newsletter that is sent home each week.


Verity Auldist

Vice Presidents

Sarah Sandow

Samantha Sorensen


Kylie Kerr


Jenny Dwyer

Catering Officer


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